What is the SSDI “Compassionate Allowance?”
Some medical conditions are so severe, the SSA considers them eligible for a "Compassionate Allowance" - which allows for much faster processing time.
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Some medical conditions are so severe, the SSA considers them eligible for a "Compassionate Allowance" - which allows for much faster processing time.
It's important to remember that while all Substantial Gainful Activity is work, not all work is considered Substantial Gainful Activity, and it takes more than just money into account. We explain it all in detail here.
The loss of a loved one after a long disability can be a difficult time, especially if they were waiting on a disability claim. In most cases, if your loved one filed for disability benefits before their death, their claim can still continue. See how you can help keep it going.
The issue of substance abuse can be a complicated one. Abusing drugs or alcohol will make your disability case tougher, but that does not mean you will definitely be denied. In this article we get into how and why substance abuse can bring additional difficulties to claim.
A hearing is an opportunity for the judge to see you in person, to ask questions, and to make a new decision that is based on more than just some paperwork. Here, we'll explain how that can really help your case.
A government study issued in April 2016 revealed that the vast majority of people denied their Social Security Disability benefits do not return to work. In a comprehensive study conducted by the Office of the Inspector General, only 27 percent of claimants who were denied ended up returning to work. The Myth And The SSDI Reality Social Security Disability Insurance is for those who have worked throughout their lives and paid into the system. If you have to stop working, in most cases you can collect Social Security Disability Insurance as long as your disability [...]
It is an unfortunate reality that some claimants pass away while an application for Social Security Disability benefits is pending; however, if a claimant dies while their disability application is pending, the SSA provides that members of the claimant’s family may still recover their benefits.
Social Security evaluators and Administrative Law Judges (ALJs) use your education to determine what kind of work you may be capable of doing given your age and impairments.
If you are found disabled by the Social Security Administration and begin receiving benefits, what are the chances that your benefits will be discontinued someday?
It's time to separate myth from fact. It is not an uncommon belief amongst Americans today that many disability recipients are awarded benefits through fraud - but the facts may surprise you.