Citizens Disability is a non-government affiliated organization, dedicated to helping you get compensation for disabilities.

Thank you for submitting your information!

Here’s what will happen next:

Right now, your information is being passed to our evaluation team. They will verify your information, and if we think we can help you, as soon as possible, they will call you on the phone.

When they speak to you, they’ll have a few more questions to see if our services are a good fit for your situation – those questions usually only take 5 minutes to answer.

Please be patient – it may take us up to a full business day to call you.

But if you don’t want to wait…

You can call us! Our Intake specialists are available from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern time, Monday through Friday, at 1-781-926-9943

Then what happens?

Those who are a good fit for our services will be transferred to one of our specialists, who will do an in-depth interview with you, entirely over the phone.

This allows us to get all the details we need to prepare and fill out your application and represent you to the Social Security Administration. This is where we determine the best course of action for your benefits claim.

This usually takes 30 to 45 minutes, because we need to get all the information required by the Social Security Administration for your claim. If your disability makes it hard to speak for long stretches, a trusted friend or family member is allowed to be on the phone to help you.

And then finally:

After your intake interview, we’ll send you some important documents that you’ll need to review, sign, and send back to us. This will allow us to actually file your application and begin representing you to the Social Security Administration.

Thanks for choosing Citizens Disability!

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